Fresh Flower Bespoke Large Bouquet
Don't see a style that fits your fancy on our site? In need of a one-of-a-kind bouquet? Try our bespoke fresh flower bouquet service! Our skilled florists will utilize their expertise, incorporating seasonal blooms and rare flowers to craft a personalized product just for you. This service guarantees to meet your specifications for floral selection and design. At Just Bloom, we specialize in creating the perfect, unique bespoke bouquets based on your vision, sending heartwarming wishes to your special someone. Just Bloom creates perfect and unique bespoke based on your ideas, to surprise and send the best wishes to your significant other. |
Our designers can't totally mimic the images/inspiration you provide. Almost all the blooms used in our arrangements are seasonal and locally-sourced. We trust that you'll have complete faith in our florists' know-how! |
If you have any questions about this service, please contact us via Whatsapp at 95561140. |
Districts and Fees
- Hong Kong Island ($80)
- Kowloon ($100)
- New Territories ($200)
- Remote Areas and Outlying Islands($400)
Free shipping will be provided if you spend more than HKD$3000 (except for remote areas and outlying islands)
Our daily delivery slots are:
10:00-13:00, 13:00-17:00 and 18:00-21:00.
There is no specified delivery time during our standard hours. During the standard hours. During cannot provide you with an accurate arrival time. If you need to arrive at an ideal time, you can consider the "Delivery at Appointed time service'*
Delivery at Appointed Time
Any deliveries within the appointed time (e.g. 13:00 or 15:00-18:00) will have a surcharge of HK$150.
Please specify the delivery time * on “Notes for the Order".
G/F, 173-174 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai
Collect Time:
Monday to Friday (09:00-20:00), Saturday and Sunday (09:00-18:00)
Customers can select their pick-up date and time at order checkout.
*There is no collection service in the MTR station, please come into our store to receive and verify your goods.
If you wish to enjoy same-day delivery service, please make sure to place your order before 4 pm from Monday to Sunday. You can directly contact our customer service via Whatsapp +85295561140 to inquire if the style you want is available for same-day delivery.
Please note that the stock of flowers changes and is unstable daily. If the flowers are out of stock on the day, we may not be able to provide you with the exact style, and will replace it with other flowers.
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Couldn't find any design you like?
Try our bespoke service today! Our professional florists will apply their most expertise, using seasonal floral materials, mixing with special and rare co-flowers to create a product for you. This service can satisfy your requirements for flower material and design.